
Saturday, April 8


To outward appearances a truly natural impression leaving no maximum, there are some self-care tips that can be done at night. After a day of activity is so dense, the evening is a time pampering yourself and your skin. Then, before going to bed it would be advised to do the following things:

Clean Makeup

For healthy skin, charming and gorgeous perfect appearance's sake, you need to maintain the health of the skin. Therefore, never leave for sleep with makeup still sticking in the face. Before you get into bed, clean face from dirt and makeup are mandatory law. Prepare the cleaning fluid and cotton for lift the remnants of dirt and makeup on the skin of your face and clean it using clean water. This is helpful in preventing blockage of the pores of the face.

Drinking Water White

Whitewater is very good for the body and the support that you always perform fresh because the skin will always be properly hydrated. In addition to caring for the face with a concoction of beauty, personal care from within also need to be prioritized and this can begin with getting used to drinking water before going to bed. A course has been very quite before you headed off to bed.

This is because the function of the white water is very good at making salt and harmful substances in the body neutral and it will automatically make the skin is far from dull. Whitewater is able to make the skin always maintained its brightness, softness, and beauty are more natural.

Consuming Vitamin E
Before going to bed, you could try drinking a supplement or vitamin E which is one simple way in making the skin stay healthy and prevent premature aging. Self-care of in this way is also believed to be very effective. You will get maximum results if diligent consumption with just the right dose.

Use A Natural Moisturizer
Instead of using skin moisturizers that contain chemicals that we don't know the side effects, better utilize natural ingredients as a skin moisturizer. One example of a great natural moisturizer for use before bedtime is Aloe Vera. Use a moisturizer at night will be more maximum absorption due to the pores of the skin will be wide open during the night.
A light and natural moisturizers will not burden the skin pores for as many moisturizing products thus inhibit pores and cause skin blackheads. Although the usage is recommended at the time before bed, but after deployment, do not directly lay down and slept. Wait for about 20 minutes it would be better for the sake of the nutrients and vitamins absorbed completely into the skin.

Change Pillowcases regularly
For faces that are always beautiful and healthy, you should protect them in extra good from dirt outdoors or dirt that is in the House. Do not underestimate Your pillow case because this could be one of the hives of bacteria and germs if you don't replace it in a shorter period of time. Germs that are in the pillowcases can come from the rest of the dirt or makeup while you're the lazy clean face and straight to bed.
Or it could be the germs came from Your perspiration when Eve was so hot during nighttime. For a perfect appearance, the face needs to be kept healthy and remains one of the tricks is to replace pillowcases once a week. This needs to be done with a purpose so that germs and dirt do not destroy the beauty and health of your facial skin.

Improve Sleep Quality
Avoid the habit of staying up will help create healthy skin, without the presence of the black ring at the bottom of the eye or the skin dull Haggard. Certainly enough sleep are able to bring the skin and the body's health is better. Remember that skin that wrinkles may also be due to not getting enough rest at night.