
Tuesday, April 11


1. The spots on your face can be removed with a cucumber or jicama masks that could be contrived by yourself at home.
Jicama and cucumber fruit is not just good for your health, it's also great for taking care of your face so that the spots-spots that look annoyed can be lost. To make cucumber or jicama into the masks is also quite easy really. You just need to blender.

How to use
It's in your face mask slathered in a more or less flat for 15 minutes. Then clean with warm water, then wash the face with ice water, followed by a Pat gently and evenly until your face feels refreshed. You'll feel cool in your face effects after consuming the mask. Remember Yes, choose fresh fruit to make a mask so as not to be irritating.

2. Don't need peeling again. Dispose of dead skin with lemon slices

Lime that might you find in the refrigerator or kitchen in the House turns out to be beneficial for maintaining the beauty of your face, you know. Yep! Slice of lime was able to lift the dead skin cells that interfere with your face.

How to use
First, you have to put the slices of lemon to your face and let sit until it dries, then clean your face with lukewarm water so that your face pores open, and final rinse face with cold water so that the pores again docked.

3. Tea that silenced the night away could be a substitute for an anti aging cream is not cheap

It turns out that the tea is not just able to give pleasure while you drink it. The content of tannin in tea it is able to overcome the problems of the skin due to the burning sun and makes you keep it youthful.

How to use

You need to be a fresh cup of tea put ambience for a night, then apply water tea throughout the skin of the face and can also be used in your body and let it dry tea by itself, Yes, then rinse with warm water to open the pores of the skin, and do not forget to rinse with plain water to close the pores of the Yes.

In addition, tea is also useful to refresh your tired eyes. You stay put a bag of an already cold teabag on the petals of your eyes while lying down. So, you can simultaneously take care of facial skin and eyes as well.

4. If a diligent use of olive oil, you don't need expensive moisturizers, inimitable doctor, again

For you who have a face skin type is dry, try always diligently applying olive oil. The content on it is olive oil softens, cleanses, and reduces stress on the skin. So, don't be mistaken if you slathered with regular olive oil on your face. Congratulations skin moisturizing the face with olive oil huh.

5. You definitely really see blackheads on your face? Don't need a facial. Clean it wrote with plum tomatoes

You must have no stranger to plant fruit and vegetables called as this one, tomatoes. It turns out that tomatoes have many benefits to enhance your face, you know. Tomatoes can eliminate blackheads, pimples, and acne scars on your face.

How to use
You just need to slice the tomato into pieces, then put in your face and don't forget to stick it in the face of the breakouts, let stand for 15 minutes. Do it regularly for one month after the results are can see.

6. If it can be resolved to wear honey, why should the laser create remove stains stubborn in your face?

Honey is indeed believed to have good benefits for the health of the body, including the skin. You bias using honey as a remedy acne, especially rock. Not only that, the stones are also capable of removing acne scars, stains. In order to be more effective, you can mix the honey with the egg whites.

How to use
First, you first prepare the honey and egg whites and then combine the two and stir until all are completely mixed. Then you apply on your face evenly at the face breakouts for about 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, followed by a subsequent rinse with cold water. You have to repeat it several times until your acne is really lost.

7. alcoholic Toner to reduce excess oil turns out to be replaced by apples.

In addition to delicious to eat, it turns out that apples can help you overcome excess oil that is on your face. In doing so, Apple really can you automatically take advantage of to take care of your face.

How to use
You just need to crush the apples with a blender and you should not add water one bit. After that, the put it on your face for about 30 minutes and rinse with clean water.

8. The skin moist and supple you can get through the help of banana fruit. No need to buy expensive serums

You definitely want facial skin which is always moist and chewy. Don't have to worry to spend a lot for it.

How to use
1 peeled banana fruit Peel and crushed fruit. Then, add the bananas which already decimated then put it on your faces.