Either boiled or grilled, make sure you eat corn with cooked in advance. A study published in the ' Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry ' found that the longer the corn is cooked, the levels of antioxidants (lutein) is in it can reduce the risk of reduced vision in the elderly.
There are many ways to cook the corn. You could be mixing in soups, vegetables with boiled, burned, or made into a stir fry or mix in other cuisines with the flavor.
Green peas
This Green little one turned out to have tremendous benefits. According to the study published in the Journal of ' Cancer ' eating peas regularly along with other healthy vegetables will reduce the risk of stomach cancer. If do not like to eat raw peas, you could cook it along with lemon to make risotto. Looking for an alternative to other menus? Take advantage of the Internet or magazines to find food-peas that fit your taste.
A vegetable that consists of a sheet of green leaves, this turned out to be rich in vitamin C which is the antioxidants to reduce the risk of heart disease-affected due to decreased levels of cholesterol in the body. Vitamin C is also very useful in building the immune system. Try multiple eat cabbage if the people in the middle are around exposed to the flu, in order to maintain the condition of the body. These vegetables are very easy to find in traditional markets or supermarkets around the place wherein.
Broccoli is a vegetable that is filled with deposits of antioxidants and is useful for preventing cancer. One study conducted in the United States found that eating five or more servings of broccoli per week will have a 50 percent lower risk of developing cancer of the bladder, compared to those who did not eat it. Pretty tasty broccoli if blended into soup or fried flour and eaten using a chili sauce.
Red Peppers
Don't get me wrong, peppers with small size alone already contain a lot of vitamin C, which gave 150 percent of the recommended dose in one day. It can prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis or the buildup of fat in the blood vessel walls, which can lead to heart disease. There are many ways to cook the red peppers that you can get over the internet.
Spinach is rich in carotenoids, antioxidants that can make the eyes become healthy and helps reduce the risk of macular degeneration, cause blindness in humans. Cook the spinach will make lutein (a type of carotenoid) that is in the vegetable to be more easily absorbed by the body. Spinach can be cooked by way of boiling and add seasoning. But if you're bored, maybe you need to try practicing recipes spinach fritters.Sprouts
These small-sized vegetables rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects the body from the threat of lung cancer and helps maintain healthy skin, hair, nails, teeth, bones and gums. In addition, the sprouts are also rich in vitamin E, which can reduce the risk of heart illness and death due to bladder cancer. Sprouts are commonly used as mixed in other cuisines.
These vegetables are one of the most preferred because it has a sweet taste and brightly colored. Although in one serving of carrots contain 30 calories, but you will get your intake of fiber, vitamin K, and lutein. Lutein is a carotenoid that is more absorbed by the retina of the eye or an important component of normal human vision. In addition, special diets by consuming fruits and vegetables containing lutein reduce the risk of the body affected by heart disease.
Radish is a remarkable vegetable. One serving of radish contains only 20 calories. In addition, you'll also get vitamin K intake, lutein, vitamin c, and fiber. You can find radishes in traditional markets or supermarkets. How to cook any assortment. You could be mixing with other cuisines, sauteed, or incorporated into other various mixed vegetables.
Yam or cassava potato, known as overseas, is one type of vegetables that are already recognized the many positive benefits on the body. Types of plants this one contains a lot of vitamin C, which is very useful to the skin. In addition, you will also get other positive elements such as the intake of potassium, fiber, magnesium, and vitamins. There are many interesting ways to consume the yam. You could be in with the flour or stewed, and then consumed as a snack in the afternoon.